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Founders of the Bakunawa Project

Founders of the Bakunawa Project

Historical Context:

Ciaxpoturi was originally referred to as the "hidden country" because of its elusive nature, where missing people, animals, and no longer identifiable items seemed to end up. The existence of Ciaxpoturi was confirmed by a soldier in 2011, and news began to spread in 2014 through a stray radio signal. Initially, many were skeptical, thinking it might be a hoax or a government cover-up. However, the soldier’s memoirs have gradually revealed the reality of Ciaxpoturi, offering detailed insights into its daily life, festivals, religions, and the ifers (spiritual beings). Following its decline, Ciaxpoturi is now remembered as "The 100 Year Cataclysm," reflecting the catastrophic events that defined its history.

The soldier dubbed 'Dog from Hell'

Faces have been obscured in this photo to protect the identities of military personnel and ensure operational security.

Purpose of the Archive:

This archive was meticulously developed by Project Bakunawa, the first group to theorize the existence of a "hidden country." Their goal was to thoroughly investigate and document the now-defunct country of Ciaxpoturi. Over the course of a century, Ciaxpoturi gained a dark reputation as a final destination for many missing persons. The archive aims to preserve and clarify the complex details of this country and the enigmatic events associated with it.

Role of Ifers:

In Ciaxpoturi, a key feature is the presence of "good spirits" called "ifers." These beings are believed by some people to be messengers from the divine, sent to bring attention to the country's deep moral and ethical problems. The ifers appear whenever there are significant ethical challenges, and their presence is seen as a direct response to how these problems are affecting people's lives. Essentially, they are thought to represent divine retribution or warnings, showing up to make people confront the wrongs in their society and urging them to address these issues before things get worse. The more serious the moral issues, the more likely the ifers are to appear, serving as a reminder that the nation's actions have consequences. These spirits seem to have been the cause of death for many individuals.

Scope of the Archive:

1. Historical Analysis: To explore and detail Ciaxpoturi’s intricate and troubled history, including its development over time and significant historical events.

2. Cultural Insights: To examine the cultural practices, social norms, and daily life of Ciaxpoturi’s inhabitants, providing a deep understanding of their way of life.

3. Event Documentation: To elucidate the "100 Year Cataclysm," a series of major and disastrous events that significantly impacted the country’s historical narrative.

4. Detailed Records: To offer a thorough account based on the soldier’s memoirs, which provide valuable insights into the significant occurrences and phenomena associated with Ciaxpoturi.

The archive aims to preserve the legacy of Ciaxpoturi and provide clarity on its enigmatic aspects through meticulous research and documentation.

HELLO? Can you hear me?

Hi, it’s me, the author. Some know me as Oratoreye, but you can call me Zai since… well, it’s easier. This website isn’t actually made by a group called Bakunawa, but by one guy (Me. If you're so concerned about pronounce, I go by anything.) Ciaxpoturi (the website, not the country) was created to store all my world-building material, including my 'comics.'


As someone who gets easily bored, I’ve decided to entertain myself through various styles of storytelling. My comics aren’t exactly the conventional type where you read from left to right, picture by picture (though don’t get me wrong, sometimes they are). They’re more like experiments, blending digital art, traditional mediums, games, videos, photobashing, graphic design—pretty much anything. You could call it multimedia, lol.

What's the plot?

In short, simple terms: A soldier wakes up in the mysterious country of Ciaxpoturi. Determined to find the missing people rumored to be there, he decides to stay and document everything. As time passes, he uncovers secrets he wishes he hadn't.

You can read the comics here.

There's a secondary plot, regarding death rituals, but you'll have to learn it there.

Genre: Cyber mysticism, Magical realism, Memoir, Mystery, and other shit. Its kinda funny too ig.


If any pictures are not responding, contact this email:


But if you're going to ask about the website (in terms of coding, how it looks on mobile, etc.), I won't be able to help you. This site is best viewed on a desktop. Also, I'm new to coding....